Email Scenario

Can we empower the option to choose the Sender email ID while sending an email in Business Central?

Can we empower the option to choose the Sender email ID while sending an email in Business Central? The answer is yes, with using of Email Scenario. Lets start step by step how to achieve that First of all we need to understand how email...

Download Symbols

Empower your capability: Download symbols in a local folder change in AL Settings

Yes, we can do that, Lets start how to do that, so we can minimize the size of our app folder not to download the symbols in single project file. How we can do that? Create new project as usual Generate manifest Download symbols Now...

Experience the dynamic capability to run your App directly in Incognito browser mode from AL code.

Just go to your AL Code and find the settings.json file and change as per below property "al.incognito": true and then go to your launch.json file and make sure you have property added "launchBrowser": true,   save the file and Run the app with command...