How to Use AboutTitle and AboutText Property in a page with AL Code.

Lets try it.

Here I am taking an example of Custom page with any table, and I will show you how you can use those teaching tips with your custom Page.

  1. I am creating a Custom page with standard master table Item.

    page 50148 "MyTeachingTips2"
    PageType = List;
    ApplicationArea = All;
    UsageCategory = Lists;
    SourceTable = Item;
    AboutTitle = 'This is my Teaching tips for this custom page.';
    AboutText = 'You can use this page to show list of items. **This is bold section**, you can also use the Italic text *like this*';
    Caption = 'Teaching Tips';
    field("No."; Rec."No.")
    ApplicationArea = All;
    AboutTitle = 'About this No. Column';
    AboutText = 'This section shows you how you can show your teaching tips to any column';
    field(Description; Rec.Description)
    ApplicationArea = All;


  2. In above code you can see I have used AboutTitle and AboutText property with page property and On field property.

  3. Lets compile and publish the code and see the result in Business Central

AboutTitle AboutText

AboutTextRemember below points when you are using those properties:

The page teaching tip is not displayed if the page has PageType set to RoleCenter , NavigatePage , ConfirmationDialog , StandardDialog , or HeadlinePart .

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